This year we created a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) to help guide our fertility use and lower our impact on the environment and the Chesapeake Watershed in particular. Nutrient management planning is defined by the USDA as, “Managing the amount, source, placement, form and timing of the application of nutrients and soil amendments.” Through the VT Extension service and a state grant, our NMP was completed by a certified planner for free. A few of the steps that we took to become better stewards of our NMP were the more frequent use of organic fertilizers as well as fertilizer extenders and enhancers. The organic products are all natural and provide a safe, efficient fertilizer source while also raising the organic matter in our soils. Organic fertilizers naturally breakdown in the soil for a slow feed which reduces runoff as well as provide a constant boost of growth for our turf. Better soils means better turf and more natural products will help reduce our footprint. We have borrowed the fertility extender and enhancement products from our farming neighbors in agronomy. These products have been reducing fertility inputs and runoff into bodies of water while increasing yields in farming for some time. We utilized the fertility extension and enhancement products this year to provide great growing conditions while reducing the use of both Nitrogen and Phosphorus by 65%. With our Nutrient Management Plan and these products we have been able to save money, improve turf quality, and reduce our environmental impact.