Saturday, April 02, 2011
Willow Oaks Country Club in conjunction with the Old Dominion Golf Course Superintendent Association (ODGCSA) presented a Golf and Government Relations Summit yesterday concerning nutrient management plans, best management practices and other current and future events that are affecting our industry. The goal of the summit was to help educate golf course owners, general managers and superintendents on the recent legislation passed during this year's Virginia General Assembly that will affect golf courses in Virginia. Eric Frazier, Director of Agronomy at Willow Oaks as well as the president of the ODGCSA, planned and hosted the event.
Guest speakers included Dr. Mike Goatley, Extension Turfgrass Specialist and Professor at Virginia Tech, Donna Johnson and Katie Frazier of the Virginia Agribusiness Council and Chava McKeel, Senior Manager of Information and Public Policy for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
The information discussed was both informative and time sensitive. The Virginia Golf Course Superintendents Association has pledged that every golf course in Virginia will be Nutrient Management planned by 2017. We are proud to say that we are ahead of the curve and have been Nutrient Management planned for two years now. These documents are our planned inputs of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and other materials onto the golf course. We are doing our best to be leaders in environmental stewardship, government relations and the golf course industry.