Friday, November 18, 2011

Continuing Education and the Results of a Heavy November Rain

Bobby, Kevin and I traveled to the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association Education Conference and Trade Show.  We each took three classes between Monday and Tuesday covering a wide array of topics associated with our industry.  The Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association does a great job with their enrolled classes, general education and trade show.  The three of us brought home a lot of good ideas that will be implemented on the golf course.  We are very thankful for the opportunity to study under some of the best professors in our field and to network with our peers and industry leaders.

Stan's regional USGA update...very timely:  The Value of Education 

While we were away, the course received 2.4 inches of rain.  The result is normal; washed bunkers, wet conditions and a lot of downed leaves.  With the wet conditions and cold weather reports, expect frost delays and cart path restrictions this weekend.  The turf will not dry out very fast this time of year.  The staff has worked diligently and bunkers will be put back together this afternoon.  The staff will work on hand raking bunkers and continued leaf removal this weekend.  Our entire staff will be in this weekend to make up for lost time due to rain.  Due to the wet conditions in the fairways, we cannot use our large equipment to blow leaves.  Removal will have to be done with back pack blowers and rakes. 

Heavy rain and wind brought down a large volume of leaves this weak.   Wet turf conditions eliminate the use of large leaf removal equipment which slows progress.  We will be focusing on landing areas and green complexes.
Before bunkers can be repaired, the leaves have to be removed.
Even with fabric liners, the steep slope of our bunkers make them prone to washouts.  All of this sand has to be replaced with rakes and shovels.  This is a labor intensive process.

Sand that has eroded from the faces of the bunkers has to be replaced by hand.

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