Thursday, July 14, 2016

Course Update

It has been a while since I have updated the blog and we have certainly been busy.  Record rainfall in May and a very wet June have helped parts of the course flourish and has hampered progress in others.  The rain certainly highlighted the benefits of the drainage projects we have completed and identified next winter's priorities.  The two closed days this week allowed our team to verticut, aerate, and topdress the warm season tees and fairways.  These are necessary practices to maintain firm, healthy surfaces.  We expect to see recovery very quickly given our ideal growing conditions.  Our team also laid a truck load of sod to finish the conversion of fescue to bermudagrass on #11.  We will be closed again August 22-26 for maintenance.   During this time, we will be venting greens, applying pre-emergent fungicides and herbicides, and completing numerous drainage, sod, and renovation projects around the course that otherwise could not happen in a timely fashion.

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on the course,

Jordan Booth, CGCS

Verticutting fairways removes a lot of thatch and is the perfect time to topdress the fairways so that the sand can work down into the canopy.  Holes 1-6, 10, 13, and 17 were all verticut this go round.
Topdressing was applied behind the verticutting on fairways to help smooth and firm the surface.
Our team topdressed and core aerated the par 3 tees.
We also deep tine aerated and topdressed all of the tees.

Our team also removed the rest of the fescue on #11 and sodded this area back to bermudagrass.  Our current and future areas for renovation are the tree line between 13/14 and the fescue areas on 9/18.  

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