Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Equipment maintenance, soil samples, and cobble stone

Each winter our Equipment Manager, John Anderson, performs routine maintenance and completes any major repairs to the equipment fleet.  This winter, one of his larger repairs was replacing the clutch in the Ford tractor.  As you can see from the pictures below, the tractor was separated to allow access to the clutch.  The ability to make these type of repairs in-house is a great benefit to our department and the club.

Our team is working on several other projects around the course.  Stone was added along the cart path edge between #1 green and #2 tee, conduit was installed around the on-deck putting green for the new fan location, and soil samples were taken on all greens.

Placing stones along the cart path edge behind #1 green.
Mixing and adding mortar to lock the stones in place.
Finished.  The cones will stay in place for the next week to keep traffic away from the new concrete.

You might notice these sand filled holes on the greens.  Core samples were taken from these areas and back filled with sand.  The results of the soil tests will help determine what nutrients need to be added during greens aeration.

I am standing at the new location of the on-deck putting green fan.  Our team installed conduit in the trench to protect the electrical feed to the new fan location.

The new location of the on-deck putting green fan.

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